What is Cyber Summer Camp?
Cyber Summer Camp returns for a fifth season featuring brand new package options, updated advancements for Cub Scouts, and more flexibility for you to participate! Choose “All 4 One” and purchase one of our Combo Packages unlocking access to all 4 Cyber Summer Camp programs, or select “1 for All” and purchase digital-only packages that grant access to a single program. Whether you choose to aim high, dive deep, drill down, or step behind your adventure will take you to new worlds. The virtual campgrounds for all programs opens June 1 and will remain open until October 1.
Go Beyond the Stars with the original Cyber Summer Camp as you travel to space with exclusive webinars featuring NASA engineers. You’ll discover adventure through robotics, space exploration, and astronomy. Cyber Summer Camp Below relaunches featuring exclusive webinars with marine biologists, shark experts, and an oceanographer. You’ll explore a coral reef, learn about oceanic wildlife, and practice water conservation as you go Below the Surface. You can also travel Beneath the Crust with geologists and archaeologists as you unlock hidden mysteries by finding fossils, investigate the depths of Earth’s crust, learn about rock formation, and explore volcanoes. And lastly, your tale unfolds through animated pages, digital imagery, and the language of coding as you travel Behind the Screen. In each program you will complete requirements for a STEM Nova Award, and earn achievements towards rank advancement and Merit Badges.
Virtual campgrounds open on June 1 for all programs and stay open until October 1
NOTE: All digital content for Cyber Summer Camp BEYOND is the same content originally released in Summer 2020, Cyber Summer Camp BELOW is the same content originally released in Summer 2021, Cyber Summer Camp BENEATH is the same content originally released in Summer 2022, and Cyber Summer Camp BEHIND is the same content originally released in Summer 2023.
All Scouts who participated last year are invited back to complete adventures for their new rank, finish merit badges, earn the NOVA Award if you did not last year, and continue exploring.
NOVA Award

Scouts will focus on earning the NOVA Award and interact with experts each day during Cyber Summer Camp.
By completion of Cyber Summer Camp, the following can be earned:
Cub Scouts = Tech Talk NOVA Award + at least one rank adventure*
Scouts BSA = Hello World NOVA Award + at least one merit badge
Venturers = Hello World NOVA Award + at least one STEM exploration
Cub Scouts = Uncovering the Past NOVA Award + at least one rank adventure*
Scouts BSA = Whoosh! NOVA Award + at least one merit badge
Venturers = Whoosh! NOVA Award + at least one STEM exploration
Cub Scouts = Down and Dirty NOVA Award + at least one rank adventure*
Scouts BSA = Splash! NOVA Award + at least one merit badge
Venturers = Splash! NOVA Award + at least one STEM exploration
Cub Scouts = Out of this World NOVA Award + at least one rank adventure*
Scouts BSA = Shoot! NOVA Award + at least one merit badge
Venturers = Shoot! NOVA Award + at least one STEM exploration
*NOTE: Lions and Tigers are not eligible to earn the NOVA Award, however there are plenty of activities and advancements that will be completed during Cyber Summer Camp. For those Scouts participating that will be Lions and Tigers as of June 1, you can participate in the live NASA interactions, experiments, and everything during camp, however you can not use completion of NOVA award requirements to earn a NOVA award when becoming a wolf. In addition, all activities during Cyber Summer Camp are for the Cub Scouts new rank (i.e. Cub Scouts exiting the first grade in May of 2023 will be Wolves at Cyber Summer Camp).
To fully complete the Nova Award, Scouts are to complete one advancement, below. The following will be worked on during Cyber Summer Camp:
Lion Rank –
Build It Up, Knock It Down
Everyday Tech
Tiger Rank –
Stories in Shapes
Tech All Around
Wolf Rank –
Code of the Wolf
Computing Wolves
Bear Rank –
Balancing Bears
Webelos Rank –
Art Explosion
Arrow of Light Rank –
Digital Technology | Programming | Animation
If Scouts BSA/Venturing participants have already completed the merit badges/STEM explorations above, you can pick one of the following to complete for the Nova Award or use your completion of the above to fulfill the Nova Award: Robotics
Lion Rank –
Ready, Set, Grow
Tiger Rank –
Champions for Nature
Wolf Rank –
Digging in the Past
Bear Rank –
Champions for Nature
Webelos Rank –
Earth Rocks!
Arrow of Light Rank –
Champions for Nature
Geology | Archeology | Mining in Society
If Scouts BSA/Venturing participants have already completed the merit badges/STEM explorations above, you can pick one of the following to complete for the Nova Award or use your completion of the above to fulfill the Nova Award: Archery, Engineering, Rifle Shooting, Aviation, Inventing, Robotics, Composite Materials, Mining in Society, Shotgun Shooting, Drafting, Model Design, and Building Electronics Railroading
Lion Rank –
Champions for Nature
Tiger Rank –
Floats & Boats
Wolf Rank –
Spirit of the Water
Bear Rank –
Champions for Nature
Salmon Run
Webelos Rank –
Champions for Nature
Arrow of Light Rank –
Into the Wild
Sustainability | Oceanography | Environmental Science
If Scouts BSA/Venturing participants have already completed the merit badges/STEM explorations above, you can pick one of the following to complete for the Nova Award or use your completion of the above to fulfill the Nova Award: Chemistry, Geology, Energy, Nature, Engineering, Public Health, Fish & Wildlife Management, Soil & Water Conservation, Fishing, Fly-Fishing, Weather
Lion Rank –
Gizmos & Gadgets
Tiger Rank –
Sky is the Limit
Wolf Rank –
Air of the Wolf
Bear Rank –
Super Science
Webelos Rank –
Modular Design
Arrow of Light Rank –
Robotics | Astronomy | Space Exploration
If Scouts BSA/Venturing participants have already completed the merit badges/STEM explorations above, you can pick one of the following to complete for the Nova Award or use your completion of the above to fulfill the Nova Award: Archery, Game Design, Rifle Shooting, Sustainability, Athletics, Weather, Aviation, Shotgun Shooting
The Virtual Campground
Cyber Summer Camp features a "virtual campground" with different areas just like an actual campground! This will serve as the hub for your entire on-demand, digitally delivered adventure. All content for each Cyber Summer Camp program will be immediately available on 6/1 and participants will have access to all content in the campground until 10/1 allowing for a flexible schedule to meet your needs.
Campground areas for Cyber Summer Camp Behind will include:
Access Point = Get started in the right direction at the Access Point! Here you will find all of the Nova requirements to track progress towards earning the Nova Award, as well as each day’s schedule.
Memory Bank = Explore the data depths and resources needed Cyber Summer Camp: Behind the Screen. Here you will find daily webinars and in-depth related content.
Creator Studio = Tell your story in the Creator Studio! Here you’ll practice programming and conduct STEM-related experiments that are both fun and educational.
Grab a Byte = Take a lunch break and Grab A Byte for snacks and educational documentaries about what lies Behind the Screen.
Coding Corner = Explore how to code each day with educational and fun activities for all ages!
Cache the Moon = Join us for optional evening activities for the whole family!
Campground areas for Cyber Summer Camp Beneath will include:
Surveyor Point = Break ground at Surveyor Point! Here you will find all of the Nova requirements to track progress towards earning the Nova Award, as well as each day’s schedule.
Artifact Archive = Unlock the archives full of resources needed for Cyber Summer Camp: Beneath the Crust. Here you will find daily webinars and in-depth related content.
Lava Lab = Explore the Lava Lab to conduct STEM-related experiments that are both fun and educational.
Geyser Grill = Take a lunch break and visit the Geyser Grill for snacks and educational documentaries about what lies Beneath the Crust.
Can You Dig It? = Dig up information about Earth’s layers with a daily activity that will get your hands dirty!
Darkest Depths = Join us for optional evening activities like family hikes, rock hunts, and more!
Campground areas for Cyber Summer Camp Below will include:
Dive Boat = Dive into Cyber Summer Camp! Here you will find all of the Nova requirements to track progress towards earning the Nova Award, as well as each day’s schedule.
Resource Reef = Coral reefs are the hub for thousands of species in the ocean. Explore Resource Reef or “The Reef” for your hub of resources! Here you will find daily webinars, in-depth related content, and rich information about oceanic wildlife.
Discovery Bay = Discovery Bay features STEM experiments that are both fun and educational.
Sustainability Shore = At Sustainability Shore, you’ll find a daily challenge to lower your carbon footprint.
Dive in Theater = Take a break and visit the dive in theater to watch educational videos about oceanic wildlife.
Lunar Tide = Join us for optional evening activities like swimming, field trips to local wetlands, and more!
Campground areas for Cyber Summer Camp Beyond will include:
Launch Pad = Connected at-home activities. Scouts can work on at-home activities that help fulfill the NOVA Award, but are also fun!
Mission Control = Core NOVA Award Content. Mission Control will be the hub to track progress towards the NOVA Award.
The Lab = Selected STEM Education. The Lab features pre-selected STEM experiments that's both fun and educational.
Dining Hall = Lunchtime Programs. Daily, there will be an optional lunchtime program you can tune into!
Fitness Center = Train like an Astronaut. Learn about staying fit in a small environment and train like an astronaut in space!
Dark Side of the Moon = Optional Evening Activities. Join us for optional evening activities during Cyber Summer Camp!
We keep the cost of Cyber Summer Camp low - with $30 as the base package for digital only content or get more when you purchase combo packages.
Flexible Schedule
There will be a schedule for Cyber Summer Camp for those looking for structure, however families can complete the activities at their own pace on their own time. Content will be updated daily during Cyber Summer Camp in each area of the virtual campground, and participants will have access to all content in the campground until 10/1 allowing for a flexible schedule to meet your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why don't I see my order under "My Orders"?
Some individuals are having issues with their order showing up under "My Orders." That's okay! We have received your order. This is most likely due to account creation after purchasing a package. Similar as to if you order a pizza using guest checkout, the next time to go and decide to create an account it doesn’t show previous orders.
Is the Cyber Summer Camp digital content the same as previous years?
Yes. Due to high demand, we are re-releasing our Cyber Summer Camp programs. All Scouts who participated last year are invited back to complete adventures for their new rank, finish merit badges, earn the NOVA Award if you did not last year, and continue exploring,
Why can't I access the pre-camp mission?
Only registered participants who have created accounts on HomeScouting.org for Cyber Summer Camp can access the pre-camp mission. All registered participants must also create an account on HomeScouting.org by clicking "Create Account / Log In" in the top right-hand corner.
Can I navigate the Virtual Campground on a phone or a tablet?
You can use a tablet, but we do not recommend using a cell phone. The BEST experience is on a computer. We highly recommend using a computer to participate in Cyber Summer Camp.
I am a Cub Scout, should I complete adventures for my old rank or my new rank?
Cub Scouts should complete adventures for their new/future rank.
How long will the Virtual Campground be accessible after camp concludes?
The virtual campground and everything on homescouting.org will be accessible for Cyber Summer Camp participants until October 1, so you can complete adventures at your own pace and explore as much as you want!
Will my Scout be turning in the worksheets and/or tracking tools?
No. All worksheets and tracking tools are for your use to keep track of what's been completed. We recommend keeping them in case your unit leader wants to see what's been accomplished as proof of completion.
How will my unit leader know what my Scout completed?
We will send a “final report” to both parents and unit leaders through gathering information from each Scout on work done on different merit badges and other advancements and email it to your unit leader. See here for an example of the email to unit leaders. We've been using this process since 2020 and it is positively received from unit leaders.
How do I get connected to a merit badge or Nova Counselor?
We will offer counseling sessions for all Scouts who cannot find a local merit badge or Nova counselor. To aid our preparations, please fill out the form here to let us know you need a counseling session. If you are a counselor and wish to help, fill out this form. We are in need of a number of counselors still.
Can I be my Scout's Nova Counselor?
Yes. A parent can serve as a Nova counselor for their Scout. See below for how to register with your local Scout Council.
Must be age 21 or older
Register as a Nova Counselor (position code 58, non-unit position, no registration fee) using the BSA Adult Application
Must complete BSA’s Youth Protection Training
Should complete Nova Counselor training available at my.scouting.org. Log in, click “BSA Learn Center”, then “STEM in Scouting.”
What about a digital blue card?
Through the final reporting tool, each Scout that has a merit badge or Nova counseling session through Cyber Summer Camp, will receive an email from the counselor and Buckeye Council verifying completion of the merit badge. This is then to be sent to your unit's Scoutbook coordinator who will enter it into Scoutbook. IF a blue card is needed, Scoutbook can print one and your unit leader can record the completion themselves. Use your tracking tools and worksheets as proof of completion if your unit leader has any questions. Cyber Summer Camp and the Buckeye Council will NOT be issuing any physical blue cards.
When will we receive our patches?
Patches will be in the mail in July, as they are still being made.